Johnny Cash grew up in Arkansas, and served in the Air Force in Germany, where he bought a guitar. He returned from the war and married. Singing and playing with two other men, he cut a record in Memphis. His reputation growing from airplay and live performances, Cash became a star, touring with the likes of Jerry Lee Lewis and others. On tour, he suffered the effects of drug addiction. He also met June Carter, who would later become his wife. Responding in part to the fan mail he received from prisoners, Cash played a legendary concert for the inmates at Folsom Prison in California.
Inte var helg man ser två bra filmer kvällarna efter varandra. Denna var inte dum denna heller. Spännande att följa Johnny Cash liv. Mycket välspelat av båda huvudskådespelarna. Mycket häftigt att både Joaquin och Reese lärde sig sjunga och spela för denna filmen.
Andra bloggar om: film, recensioner,
Love is a burning thing
4 out of 5
Walk The Line
<blockquote>Johnny Cash grew up in Arkansas, and served in the Air Force in Germany, where he bought a guitar. He returned from the war and married. Singing and playing with two other men, he cut a record in Memphis. His reputation growing from airplay and live performances, Cash became a star, touring with the likes of Jerry Lee Lewis and others. On tour, he suffered the effects of drug addiction. He also met June Carter, who would later become his wife. Responding in part to the fan mail he received from prisoners, Cash played a legendary concert for the inmates at Folsom Prison in California.</blockquote>
Inte var helg man ser två bra filmer kvällarna efter varandra. Denna var inte dum denna heller. Spännande att följa Johnny Cash liv. Mycket välspelat av båda huvudskådespelarna. Mycket häftigt att både <a href="http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001618/" title="IMDB: Joaquin Phoenix">Joaquin</a> och <a href="http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000702/" title="IMDB: Reese Witherspoon">Reese</a> lärde sig sjunga och spela för denna filmen.
<code>Andra bloggar om: <a href="http://bloggar.se/om/film" rel="tag" title="Bloggar.se - Film">film</a>, <a href="http://bloggar.se/om/recensioner" rel="tag" title="Bloggar.se - Recensioner">recensioner</a>, <a href="http://bloggar.se/om/johnny%20cash" rel="tag" title="Bloggar.se - Johnny Cash>johnny cash</a></code>

During the Great Depression, a common-man hero, James J. Braddock–a.k.a. the Cinderella Man–was to become one of the most surprising sports legends in history. By the early 1930s, the impoverished ex-prizefighter was seemingly as broken-down, beaten-up and out-of-luck as much of the rest of the American populace who had hit rock bottom. His career appeared to be finished, he was unable to pay the bills, the only thing that mattered to him–his family–was in danger, and he was even forced to go on Public Relief. But deep inside, Jim Braddock never relinquished his determination. Driven by love, honor and an incredible dose of grit, he willed an impossible dream to come true. In a last-chance bid to help his family, Braddock returned to the ring. No one thought he had a shot. However Braddock, fueled by something beyond mere competition, kept winning. Suddenly, the ordinary working man became the mythic athlete. Carrying the hopes and dreams of the disenfranchised on his shoulders, Braddock rocketed through the ranks, until this underdog chose to do the unthinkable: take on the heavyweight champ of the world, the unstoppable Max Baer, renowned for having killed two men in the ring.
Mycket bra film. Lite seg vid vissa tillfällen. Jag som egentligen inte tycker boxningsfilmer är speciellt bra. Denna ligger uppe i samma klass som gamla Rocky.
Rocky Balboa is a struggling boxer trying to make the big time. Working in a meat factory in Philadelphia for a pittance, he also earns extra cash as a debt collector. When heavyweight champion Apollo Creed visits Philadelphia, his managers want to set up an exhibition match between Creed and a struggling boxer, touting the fight as a chance for a “nobody” to become a “somebody”. The match is supposed to be easily won by Creed, but someone forgot to tell Rocky, who sees this as his only shot at the big time.
Det här är säkert en film som man ska ha sett som ung för att uppsakatta den riktigt mycket i dagens läge. Ungefär som Karate Kid. Tyvärr ser jag den först nu och.. Det är en bra film. Riktigt bra. Men den är ändå inte den toppfilmen som många säger att den är.

Two mismatched lawmen are on the trail of an unusually talented criminal in this crime thriller. Quentin Conners (Jason Statham) is a veteran police detective who is less than pleased when he’s assigned a new partner, Shane Dekker (Ryan Phillippe). While Conners has been with the force for years, Dekker is a rookie, and it doesn’t take Conners long to realize his partner has a lot to learn about the nuts and bolts of investigation. However, the two are forced to put aside their differences when they’re given an important new case to crack — a brilliant thief (Wesley Snipes) has masterminded a series of high-stakes bank heists, and the police are baffled as to how he seems to know what they’re up to just as soon as they do. Chaos also stars Justine Waddell as a police officer who has become involved with one of the detectives.
Simpel film. Men det var vad jag förväntade mig. Är ju ett fan av Jason Statham. Han spelar sin vanliga roll i filmen. En liten tvist på slutet och Statham gör att det blir en trea.
Underhållande film, men den tillför inget nytt.
Synd att det aldrig blev en fight Statham vs Snipes.
In this modern retelling of a classic urban legend, a mother finds herself at odds with a unremitting flight crew and her own sanity when her daughter vanishes in the middle of a flight, with only a few clues left behind. She must now challenge the boundaries of her will and her mind in her desperate search.
Uj vilket sömnpiller. Visst var den spännande i vissa avseenden. En liten kul tvist framåt slutet som inte var allt för svår att lista ut. Men slutet är helt åt fanders dåligt.
Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy are deported from London to the house of an eccentric professor during World War II. They find life in the house extremely dull, until Lucy discovers a wardrobe that leads to a magical world called Narnia, where animals can talk and all are ruled over by the wise and benevolent lion Aslan. The others don’t believe her at first, but soon all of them go through the wardrobe and discover all is not well in Narnia. The land is being kept in a perpetual winter by the evil White Witch, Jadis, who turns anyone who doesn’t obey her into stone. The children join Aslan and the animals loyal to him in an attempt to vanquish Jadis.
Har läst några av böckerna för länge sedan och sett den gamla filmen. Mindes inte allt som skulle ske, men en del kom tillbaka allt eftersom. Tycker inte filmen var så speciell, en hel del dåliga effekter vilket jag inte var beredd på. Men som barnfilm tror jag den är riktigt bra.
Among normal humans live the “Others” possessing various supernatural powers. They are divided up into the forces of light and the forces of the dark, who signed a truce several centuries ago to end a devastating battle. Ever since, the forces of light govern the day while the night belongs to their dark opponents. In modern day Moscow the dark Others actually roam the night as vampires while a “Night Watch” of light forces, among them Anton, the movie’s protagonist, try to control them and limit their outrage.
Trodde denna skulle vara riktigt bra efter allt man hört. Men tycker inte den var så bra. Det var himla kul att se en rysk film, den var snyggt gjord, men storyn var ingen höjdare, jag som gillar vampyrfilmer.