Johnny Cash grew up in Arkansas, and served in the Air Force in Germany, where he bought a guitar. He returned from the war and married. Singing and playing with two other men, he cut a record in Memphis. His reputation growing from airplay and live performances, Cash became a star, touring with the likes of Jerry Lee Lewis and others. On tour, he suffered the effects of drug addiction. He also met June Carter, who would later become his wife. Responding in part to the fan mail he received from prisoners, Cash played a legendary concert for the inmates at Folsom Prison in California.
Inte var helg man ser två bra filmer kvällarna efter varandra. Denna var inte dum denna heller. Spännande att följa Johnny Cash liv. Mycket välspelat av båda huvudskådespelarna. Mycket häftigt att både Joaquin och Reese lärde sig sjunga och spela för denna filmen.
Andra bloggar om: film, recensioner,
Love is a burning thing
4 out of 5
Walk The Line
<blockquote>Johnny Cash grew up in Arkansas, and served in the Air Force in Germany, where he bought a guitar. He returned from the war and married. Singing and playing with two other men, he cut a record in Memphis. His reputation growing from airplay and live performances, Cash became a star, touring with the likes of Jerry Lee Lewis and others. On tour, he suffered the effects of drug addiction. He also met June Carter, who would later become his wife. Responding in part to the fan mail he received from prisoners, Cash played a legendary concert for the inmates at Folsom Prison in California.</blockquote>
Inte var helg man ser två bra filmer kvällarna efter varandra. Denna var inte dum denna heller. Spännande att följa Johnny Cash liv. Mycket välspelat av båda huvudskådespelarna. Mycket häftigt att både <a href="http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001618/" title="IMDB: Joaquin Phoenix">Joaquin</a> och <a href="http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000702/" title="IMDB: Reese Witherspoon">Reese</a> lärde sig sjunga och spela för denna filmen.
<code>Andra bloggar om: <a href="http://bloggar.se/om/film" rel="tag" title="Bloggar.se - Film">film</a>, <a href="http://bloggar.se/om/recensioner" rel="tag" title="Bloggar.se - Recensioner">recensioner</a>, <a href="http://bloggar.se/om/johnny%20cash" rel="tag" title="Bloggar.se - Johnny Cash>johnny cash</a></code>

During the Great Depression, a common-man hero, James J. Braddock–a.k.a. the Cinderella Man–was to become one of the most surprising sports legends in history. By the early 1930s, the impoverished ex-prizefighter was seemingly as broken-down, beaten-up and out-of-luck as much of the rest of the American populace who had hit rock bottom. His career appeared to be finished, he was unable to pay the bills, the only thing that mattered to him–his family–was in danger, and he was even forced to go on Public Relief. But deep inside, Jim Braddock never relinquished his determination. Driven by love, honor and an incredible dose of grit, he willed an impossible dream to come true. In a last-chance bid to help his family, Braddock returned to the ring. No one thought he had a shot. However Braddock, fueled by something beyond mere competition, kept winning. Suddenly, the ordinary working man became the mythic athlete. Carrying the hopes and dreams of the disenfranchised on his shoulders, Braddock rocketed through the ranks, until this underdog chose to do the unthinkable: take on the heavyweight champ of the world, the unstoppable Max Baer, renowned for having killed two men in the ring.
Mycket bra film. Lite seg vid vissa tillfällen. Jag som egentligen inte tycker boxningsfilmer är speciellt bra. Denna ligger uppe i samma klass som gamla Rocky.

Ex-Special Forces operator Frank Martin (Jason Statham) lives what seems to be a quiet life along the French Mediterranean, hiring himself out as a mercenary “transporter” who moves goods – human or otherwise – from one place to another. No questions asked. Frank’s newest transport seems no different from the countless ones he’s done in the past. He has been hired by an American known only as “Wall Street” (see Rule Two) to make a delivery, but when Frank stops along route, he notices his “package” is moving. Violating his own personal rules, Frank looks inside the bag, finding its contents to be a beautiful, gagged woman.
Många gånger har man kvar i huvudet att filmen var bättre sist man såg den. Samma gäller även här. Men the Transporter är i mitt tycke precis så som en popcornrulle ska vara. Actionscenerna i den är fortfarande spectakulära och Jason Statham regerar, han är ju bara så kall. Bara fighten i bussgaraget var värt köpet av den tyska collectors boxen DTS 6.1 gör ju inte filmen sämre 😉